Have you ever considered all that surrounds us?
The atmosphere of our lives is made up of what we invite in and
what we cannot control. These kinetic swirling circles can cause
our breath to catch in our throats, as fog encircles the path ahead.
How do we press forward? How do we breathe? How can we be
sure that the landscape on the horizon is filled with oxygen?
In a world filled with messages of fear, there is One constant.
One who is never surprised. One who knows the end from the
beginning. One who is not swayed by the chaos that entangles
the blue sphere we call home…
The Psalmist cries out, “Let your unfailing love surround us,
LORD, for our hope is in you alone.” Join us at the North Hills
Youth Rally 2024 as we attempt to do the same.
Join us at North Hills Church of Christ with Keynote Speaker David Skidmore and Illusionist Daniel Parrish as we come together on Saturday, September 28th @ 9:30 am – 8:00 pm to explore this topic, fellowship, eat and sing together! We will be so excited to see you!